Don Netek

Don F. Netek Jr.

A Word from the Author of Sportman's Cookbook and Then Some

Born in San Antonio, Texas from very caring and understanding parents, my father taught me to fish and hunt; and how to do it safely. To regard and respect nature, and to kill only what you can eat, and eat what you kill.

My father was a pretty good cook, but my mother was an artist in the kitchen. She could cook anything, and anything that she cooked, tasted so good. Consequently, when it came time to get married, I knew that my future wife would like to cook, it so happened that my wife, Clarita does like to cook.

After graduating from high school, I joined the United States Navy, and served my country during the Vietnam crises. After receiving an honorable discharge, I moved to Houston, Texas.

I do like to hunt, fish and cook. I hope you do to. I hope you find the "Sportman's Cookbook and Then Some" as much fun using, as I have had putting my collection of recipes together.

Don F. Netek. Jr.